Wow, we're almost near the middle of December and well, I can't believe 06' is coming to a close soon. Here is one of (hopefully) several concluding art posts by me this year. I am definitely looking forward for next year.

Here are some warm up drawings I did before getting in the 'mood' to sketch other ones. I like to play with different shapes, see what I can design by using something other than a circle.

I particularly liked this girls head shape.

So I continued to design a character with a similar head and some cute 60's fashion.

This girl here has a 60's inspired cocktail dress on. I really enjoy designing dress patterns and clothes.

The Rångamsh gang sporting some festive winter threads.

I did this quick pen drawing of this exact same girl and I really liked the sullen eye look, hair style, and earrings I did for her--which lead to these more finished pencil drawings.

Here is a life drawing I did of my fabulous grandmother. I tried playing with colours here, tried some cooler tones and added some nice bright pinks. Too bad the pen smeared. lol.

I'm currently designing this years holiday card that I will be sending out to close e-friends and irl-friends and family. This was my first idea for the card design, but I think I might reject it and go for another one.

This is another drawing for this years holiday card. I want it to be kind of 60's fashion with a cute Christmas theme.

Another, I really like the idea, hopefully my card will turn out beautiful and I won't have problems printing them at Office Depot or wherever I happen to go to print them out. This was a rather large post, thank you for the comments everyone and the next post should have my final card illustrations, so keep checking back! Also, I updated my links, so check out all the wonderful talent the internet has to offer. =)